Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Orleans Corn Bisque with Sausage and Blackberry Cobbler, Oh My!

I. Am. In. Heaven. I just finished a little mug-full of melty, crunchy, tart-sweet blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream- the best blackberry cobbler I've ever tasted - and I made it! Ok, so maybe I'm bragging a little. But really, it was that good! I think it tasted even better today than last night. Probably because I was so full and bloated last night after eating New Orleans Corn Bisque with Sausage, rolls and salad that it was a little painful to eat more.
New Orleans Corn Bisque with Sausage was incredibly simple and fun to make. There are only 5 steps in the directions. It felt like the thing just made itself, and it tasted like that, too; just effortless. Creamy, rich, sausage and potato-y goodness! But of course, even though the recipe was extremely simple, I made a big mistake, putting twice the amount of cubed potatoes into the milky broth. Thankfully, I realized there were too many potatoes before the pot overflowed. The dinner "guests", my parents and David, just loved the Bisque. This dish elicited the most enthusiastic reaction of all the dishes so far. As they finished eating, I started making Blackberry Cobbler. I knew I loved the freezer-to-oven kind - the only kind I'd ever eaten. But like a romance novel heroine who finally meets "the one" and realizes how frivolous her previous loves were, when I took the first bite I really and truly realized what it is to love a cobbler.
On top of all this goodness, my parents bought a new set of cookware. In one hour, my mom and I will pick them up from the store. I can't wait to put them to use!

Bon Appetit!
-The Little Chef

1 comment:

  1. Gees, Louise, that was so good! The corn bisque dish forced my eyes closed; am I in heaven? Danae claims that it was easy, but let's face it, had I made it...well, we'll leave that to your imagination.
    The cobbler was also amazing. Seems that Danae has found yet another talent upon which she's chosen to improve and perfect.
    Keep cooking, Danae, and I'll keep running, burnin' those deliciously derived calories.
