Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Little Chef begins a great adventure. Well, maybe not SO great.

This is my first attempt at a real blog. I'm not really sure all that I'm supposed to write about here, or how I'm supposed to write it, but I suppose it's whatever I want it to be. And I definitely know what I want it to be.
I am going to cook something at least once a week and write about my experience here. Sounds so clinical when I put it on paper! But I want it to be fun. What sparked an interest in creating this blog? The movie "Julie and Julia", which I recently saw while on vacation, truly inspired me. I saw a lot of myself in the main character, and a lot more of what I'd like to see in myself in Julia Child. So why not try cooking and blogging about it! It'll be an adventure.
Before you join in the triumphs and tears of my cooking adventures, you should know a little about me. I'm a 20-something English major currently attending a community college and I'm shamelessly yearning for the fall semester when I will transfer to University of the Pacific. I'm tired of feeling like I'm in the ghetto at school. A girl told me a few weeks ago that she hates Pacific because of all the snobby, rich kids there. To each their own, but after years at Delta, I'll take the snobs over the gangsters any day.
I work part time at a place I'd rather not disclose at this time. No, it's nothing exciting. I don't work for the CIA or anything. It's just that I don't think it's any of your business where I work. I'd like to get to know you, dear reader, a little better before I disclose that kind of information.
In my spare time, I go on little adventures and excursions with my wonderful fiance, hang out with a few friends, my family, and my grandma. Grandma plays an important role in this blog, actually, because she is the one who first taught me how to really cook. Her wonderfully Italian mother-in-law, my great-grandma ("Nana") taught her how to cook, and as soon as I could hold a spoon, she taught me. There aren't many family recipes that have been passed down. Rather, Grandma taught me that you can find a new recipe and execute it perfectly the first time. But if you don't get it perfect and something doesn't rise, cook all the way through, or sets on fire, you shouldn't be afraid to try it again. (We once set garlic bread on fire in the oven, and it went down in our history as one of our greatest "Lucy and Ethel" moments.) The point is to have fun cooking; to be with, eat with, and laugh with the people you love. Grandma bravely takes on a new recipe at least once a week, and shares the results with her neighbors, friends, and family. She sends my mom home with cinnamon-apple pork chops, shepherd's pie, honey BBQ pork ribs, and rich chocolate cake as only she knows how to make.
I have always loved cooking, and I have more free time than I'd usually like to admit. So in the tradition of "Julie and Julia", and my Grandma, I will attempt to cook something new once a week and write about the experience. I'm hoping it's as fun and do-able as it sounds.

-The Little Chef
P.S. I call myself the Little Chef because I weigh 100lbs. I had a theory for a long time that all good cooks were at least slightly over-weight, but then I realized my Grandma breaks that rule and decided that I must as well.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, Danae! I'm excited about the experiences that you'll...well...experience, and I'm REALLY looking forward to the benefits of being here, the smells, tastes, ooohh...mmmmm!

    By the way, the chocolate chip cookies were oh, so good!

    Happy cooking, Little Chef.
